Monday, July 21, 2008

You Can't Copy A Soul

"You cannot play God and then wash your hands of the things that you've created. Sooner or later, the day comes when you can't hide from the things that you've done anymore."
-William Adama, "Battlestar Galactica Miniseries"

A trailer for the prequel to Sci-Fi channel's reimagining of "Battlestar Galactica" has premiered over at This television event will document the events prior to the Cylon insurrection, delving into the origins of the new race of Cylons. NBC Universal Television Studio is developing the show with the executive producers of "Battlestar Galactica" Ron Moore and David Eick.

You'll have to sit through a commercial-to see a commercial-prior to the trailer. I unfortunately had to witness a trailer for the new direct-to-DVD "Stargate" movie another gem in the neve-rending life-cycle of a mediocre television show.

Check out the promo for Caprica here.

It looks like they will be looking at how the repercussions of cloning and the fears associated with reprogramming a mind ultimately led to the development of the organic, humanoid Cylons.

Some of the questions such a premise denotes, even from what little is in the trailer, makes me think of many similar themes and motifs that should certainly be brought to light in "Dollhouse" come January 2009. Can you program a soul? Can a soul subsist despite man's interventions in nature? Does a soul possess an absolute identity?

These queries and others are ones that are clearly touched on in "Battlestar Galactica" and as the series comes to a close with its fourth and final season, I expect these will be addressed in further detail, though I'm sure with the addendum of even more mysteries about the true nature of Cylons and humanity itself.

A description pulled from an E! online article about the show reads: "Caprica is the story of two families, the Graystones and the Adams" (sound familiar?-Adama? Does the family change its name in order to avoid possible association with the inception of a new Cylon war?)
The Graystones include father Daniel, a computer genius; mother Amanda, a brilliant surgeon and unfaithful wife; and their daughter, Zoe, who is martyred to her boyfriend's religious fanaticism – but not before she installs the rudimentary elements of her personality and DNA into a machine, creating a digital twin of herself, Zoe-A. After the human Zoe's death, Daniel uses these raw materials, some stolen technology and his own grief to cobble together "a robotic version of his dead daughter. This robot version, known as Zoe-R, is a Cylonic Eve, the first of her kind.

Also, "the two fathers, Daniel Graystone and Joseph Adama, work together on replicating their children in cyborg form," as Joseph Adams' daughter, Tamara dies in the same suicide bombing that killed Zoe, "but 'Joseph is ethically appalled by the robot version of...Tamara, and repents his actions." Those moralistic genes seem to run strong in the Adama family.

Caprica is likely to air in December of this year but network dealings may push it back to January 2009. A regular series remains a possibility depending on the network and critical reception. I look forward to seeing it. I have great faith in the creators of the show to make Caprica far more than just a run of the mill spin-off endeavor.

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